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The ABCs of Dealing With Domestic Violence

Domestic violence was a part of my family's life for years. When I made the decision to leave with my children, I had to rely on the law to provide the protection we needed. Sometimes, the system does not work as fast as we want. I soon learned that going at it alone without any guidance caused significant delays. I created this blog to help others who are seeking legal means to deal with an abusive ex. By making the right moves, it is possible to get the necessary protections in place so that you can also live a happier and healthier life.


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The ABCs of Dealing With Domestic Violence


Seeking Legal Redress Following Your Relative Losing Their Life After An Assault Or Battery Incident

Some assault-and-battery victims sustain minor harm that heals after treatment. Unfortunately, in other cases, victims may succumb to their injuries after the incident. If this happens to your relative, you may have a right to hold the attacker accountable for the loss. This claim differs from assault charges that the state may bring against the wrongdoer. Therefore, you must gather evidence to prove that the attacker was responsible for your relative's death.

Alimony And You: Key Considerations

Going through a divorce is never an easy process and things can be even more difficult if you intend to ask the court to grant you alimony. Before asking a divorce court to award alimony, it's a good idea to know as much about the subject as possible. The following article examines some of the key issues surrounding alimony that everyone hoping to receive financial support from an ex-spouse needs to know.

A Closer Look At What You Should And Should Not Do Before Contacting A Lawyer After A Car Accident

Consulting a car accident lawyer after suffering injuries in an auto accident is always a good idea. However, the actions you take before contacting an attorney can greatly impact the results of your claim. That is why it is so important for you to familiarize yourself with the dos and don'ts of dealing with the aftermath of a car accident. You can learn more about these dos and don'ts below.

Can I Be Bailed Out Of Jail After A Failure To Appear?

It's always a bad idea to fail to appear in court when you have been bailed out of jail. By doing so, you will then face potential legal consequences and it will be more difficult to receive bail in the future. However, you might be able to obtain a failure to appear bail bond. Failure to Appear When you are released from jail on bail, you will be given a series of pre-trial conditions that you are required to meet.

Situations When the Police Can Charge You for DUI as a Passenger and How a Legal Advisor Can Help

Do you know that law enforcers can arrest you for DUI even if you're not operating a vehicle? Although this is uncommon, officers also charge travelers with this crime, and the consequences can be as severe as if you were behind the wheel. The punishments include monetary fines, probation, or a prison sentence. In addition, a conviction could give you a permanent criminal record, which might affect various aspects of your life.

Were You Involved In A Collision Caused By A Poorly Maintained Semi? Here's How To Get Justice

Trucking companies must ensure their big rigs are in proper working order before authorizing their drivers to use them to transport goods. Failure to tend to defects and undertake the necessary repairs exposes truckers and other road users to risks of collisions. Such accidents can cause severe property damage or injuries. When this happens, you may want to know how to get compensation for losses caused by the crash. An auto accident lawyer dealing with truck accident lawsuits can explain the following to help you to know what you should do to get justice.

What Your Legal Advisor Wants You To Know About OVI Charges

The law prescribes tough penalties for every motorist that breaks traffic laws. That includes motorists arrested for operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs (OVI). Therefore, if traffic officers stop you on suspicion of engaging in this traffic violation, you'll need to clear your name to evade the harsh penalties therein. Consulting a lawyer is paramount when faced with such a situation.  Your OVI lawyer will advise you on the dos and don'ts, enabling you to avoid issues that could worsen your situation.

Family Law Issues That May Be Challenging To Navigate Without A Professional Legal Advisor

The law provides parameters on how parties handle marital and family issues. However, some problems like divorce and child custody have high stakes, causing disagreements during negotiations. Unfortunately, this may cause parties to make emotionally charged decisions, leading to costly legal mistakes that affect the case's outcome. A family law attorney can help you avoid errors and resolve issues amicably among conflicting family members. Professional legal representation is particularly necessary when navigating the following family law issues:

Talk To A Chapter 7 Attorney When You're Thinking Of Filing For Bankruptcy

If you're struggling to keep up with bills but you're falling behind, it may be time to consider bankruptcy. The only way to know if bankruptcy is right for you is to talk with an attorney. You may be suited for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy if your income isn't too high, so seek out a Chapter 7 attorney to get answers to your questions about whether you can file for bankruptcy and if it's a good choice for you.

3 Vital Reasons To Work With A Divorce Mediator

Separations often make the divorcing parties angry. However, it's vital to decide how you want to end your union. There are many ways you can do this, including going through the court using mediation services or handling it yourself. If both of you want to try to avoid the possibility of emotional conflict and finger-pointing during this process, consider hiring a divorce mediator. These professionals are trained to help couples resolve divorce-related problems amicably.

Working With Your Personal Injury Attorney For An Optimum Outcome

Have you been hurt in a car accident that was not your fault? If so, you could be entitled to several forms of money damages. To be paid what you deserve, you and your personal injury lawyer should form a team to cover every aspect of your claim. Read and find out what you can do to help bring about an optimum outcome for your accident case. Go To the Doctor – After the accident, medical help is a must.