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The ABCs of Dealing With Domestic Violence

Domestic violence was a part of my family's life for years. When I made the decision to leave with my children, I had to rely on the law to provide the protection we needed. Sometimes, the system does not work as fast as we want. I soon learned that going at it alone without any guidance caused significant delays. I created this blog to help others who are seeking legal means to deal with an abusive ex. By making the right moves, it is possible to get the necessary protections in place so that you can also live a happier and healthier life.


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The ABCs of Dealing With Domestic Violence

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    The Benefits Of Plea Bargaining

    If you have been arrested for a crime, you may have had a conversation with your criminal defense attorney regarding plea bargaining. This can be a good way to reduce your charge and overall sentencing for the crime you were arrested for, but it's not always a guarantee that you will be able to get the prosecutor to accept a plea bargain deal. It's best to talk more about this with your attorney, but this article will give you an overview on the type of plea bargaining that's available, and how it can be beneficial to you.

    Aggressive Lane Changing by Commercial Trucks

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    Lost Income And Career Potential After Injury: How Do You Find A Value?

    A significant part of any slip-and-fall injury claim is going to be your lost income—including estimated future losses. Figuring out future income losses can get complicated for a number of reasons, especially for those who occupy professional positions. Even a short-term injury can cause long-term problems for your career. Here's what you should know. It's About The Lost Potential, Not Actual Income Future lost income isn't calculated based on the work that you've done in the past.