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The ABCs of Dealing With Domestic Violence

Domestic violence was a part of my family's life for years. When I made the decision to leave with my children, I had to rely on the law to provide the protection we needed. Sometimes, the system does not work as fast as we want. I soon learned that going at it alone without any guidance caused significant delays. I created this blog to help others who are seeking legal means to deal with an abusive ex. By making the right moves, it is possible to get the necessary protections in place so that you can also live a happier and healthier life.


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The ABCs of Dealing With Domestic Violence

    Objection! When A Challenge Arises To Your Bankruptcy Debt

    A chapter 7 bankruptcy is widely-known as the blanket solution used by consumers for debt that's gotten out of hand. While most all of your unsecured debts, such as credit card debts, can be eliminated with this type of filing, there are some situations that arise where problems crop up. Read on so that you'll be well-prepared if a creditor or the bankruptcy trustee raises an objection to one of your bankruptcy debts.

    Working For Cash? You Are Risking Your Livelihood

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    Make Sure That You And Your Spouse Are Both Listed As Owners Of These Things

    Estate planning can be an ideal time to consider not only the value of your assets but also who is the rightful owner of each of them. Regardless of how you want your assets divided up in the event of your passing, it's likely that you want everything you own to go to your spouse should you die first. Couples can run into issues when one of them dies, and important possessions aren't listed in both of their names.

    Who Is Liable for an Injury When a Seatbelt Breaks?

    It's one of those worst-nightmare scenarios when you hear of a car accident in which a seatbelt broke. Those belts are meant to protect you, so to have one break and allow someone in the car to be injured is terrible. But it also brings up another problem: If you're in a car accident in which a seatbelt breaks and that person is injured, who is liable? Is it the responsibility of the person who hit your car, or does the car manufacturer have any liability as well?

    Pain In The Wallet: Understanding The Financial Side Of Car Accidents

    As if your physical injuries from a car accident was not enough, you may also experience some financial issues sooner or later. Two major opportunities for compensation exist after an accident, and taking action quickly is never more important. Read on for a better understanding of the importance of being proactive and getting these two monetary forms of damage paid to you for an accident that was not your fault.  

    4 Tips For Hiring An Attorney For A Homeowners Association

    In this day and age, many communities and neighborhoods have homeowners associations. When a community has a homeowners association, all residence pay dues for the upkeep of common areas. In addition, homeowners associations also enforce rules that help keep a community in good condition. Since a homeowners association deals with a large amount of money, contracts, and the creation of rules and regulations, it is important to have an association attorney.

    Guidelines For Getting A Divorce On Your Terms

    To make sure that you are able to move forward and get help with a divorce, you'll want to set up your legal team, while also following some reasonable strategies. Getting a divorce is a matter that can be legally arduous, while also creating chaos in your personal life. With this in your head, the tips below will be worthwhile when it comes to moving forward and finding the right legal assistance.

    Medical Treatment After A Car Accident

    1.6 million accidents in 2012 involved an injury of some kind. These injuries range in severity from small cuts and bruises to debilitating injuries that change a person's quality of life forever. If you or someone you love gets injured because of an accident, contact a car accident law firm for help collecting the compensation that you deserve.  Common Injuries The main types of injuries after a car accident include: