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The ABCs of Dealing With Domestic Violence

Domestic violence was a part of my family's life for years. When I made the decision to leave with my children, I had to rely on the law to provide the protection we needed. Sometimes, the system does not work as fast as we want. I soon learned that going at it alone without any guidance caused significant delays. I created this blog to help others who are seeking legal means to deal with an abusive ex. By making the right moves, it is possible to get the necessary protections in place so that you can also live a happier and healthier life.


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The ABCs of Dealing With Domestic Violence

    Family Law Issues That May Be Challenging To Navigate Without A Professional Legal Advisor

    The law provides parameters on how parties handle marital and family issues. However, some problems like divorce and child custody have high stakes, causing disagreements during negotiations. Unfortunately, this may cause parties to make emotionally charged decisions, leading to costly legal mistakes that affect the case's outcome. A family law attorney can help you avoid errors and resolve issues amicably among conflicting family members. Professional legal representation is particularly necessary when navigating the following family law issues:

    Talk To A Chapter 7 Attorney When You're Thinking Of Filing For Bankruptcy

    If you're struggling to keep up with bills but you're falling behind, it may be time to consider bankruptcy. The only way to know if bankruptcy is right for you is to talk with an attorney. You may be suited for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy if your income isn't too high, so seek out a Chapter 7 attorney to get answers to your questions about whether you can file for bankruptcy and if it's a good choice for you.

    3 Vital Reasons To Work With A Divorce Mediator

    Separations often make the divorcing parties angry. However, it's vital to decide how you want to end your union. There are many ways you can do this, including going through the court using mediation services or handling it yourself. If both of you want to try to avoid the possibility of emotional conflict and finger-pointing during this process, consider hiring a divorce mediator. These professionals are trained to help couples resolve divorce-related problems amicably.

    Working With Your Personal Injury Attorney For An Optimum Outcome

    Have you been hurt in a car accident that was not your fault? If so, you could be entitled to several forms of money damages. To be paid what you deserve, you and your personal injury lawyer should form a team to cover every aspect of your claim. Read and find out what you can do to help bring about an optimum outcome for your accident case. Go To the Doctor – After the accident, medical help is a must.

    3 Frequently Asked Questions About Palimony

    Palimony is alimony for unmarried couples. Therefore, if you have been living with your partner for a while and they suddenly decide to leave you, you can demand palimony. Consult a family attorney to determine whether you have a strong case. Here are some basic facts on palimony. 1. How Does Palimony Work? Palimony is derived from the words "pal" and "alimony." It refers to the special relationship between two individuals.

    Three Common Injuries That You May Not Realize You Should Be Compensated For

    America may have a reputation of being a country where many of its residents are trigger happy when it comes to suing one another, but in reality, this is not often the case for your average resident. The courts are a confusing place that can drain a lot of money from your bank account and most people don't see it as worth the time when the result is not guaranteed. That means a lot of Americans sustain injuries and pain from events and items they are entitled to compensation for that they have no idea about.

    Who Is Liable For An Injury At A Cabin Rental?

    Renting a cabin is one way to enjoy the great outdoors without having to pitch a tent. However, like with any other property, a cabin needs to be properly maintained by the owner or it might become a hazard. The cabin owner might be held liable if you are injured while using it. Beware of Poorly Maintained Cabin Rentals To prove that the cabin was unsafe and that the danger caused you to become injured, it's important to take photographs of any damage or other concerning issues that you notice in the cabin.

    Employment Offers After A Work-Related Injury

    Any employee who suffers an injury at work is eligible to apply for workers' compensation benefits. These benefits are designed to provide a source of income while the injured employee is unable to work during recovery. Filing a workers' compensation claim gets the process started, but there are several obstacles that you might encounter along the way. One of these obstacles is an offer of modified or alternative work from your employer.