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The ABCs of Dealing With Domestic Violence

Domestic violence was a part of my family's life for years. When I made the decision to leave with my children, I had to rely on the law to provide the protection we needed. Sometimes, the system does not work as fast as we want. I soon learned that going at it alone without any guidance caused significant delays. I created this blog to help others who are seeking legal means to deal with an abusive ex. By making the right moves, it is possible to get the necessary protections in place so that you can also live a happier and healthier life.


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The ABCs of Dealing With Domestic Violence

    Beyond Annual Returns: Exploring The Diverse Services Of A Tax Attorney

    A tax attorney, an expert in tax law, provides valuable services that extend beyond the realm of filing annual returns. This professional brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to navigate the complex landscape of taxation, providing indispensable assistance for both individuals and businesses. Here are some of the key services offered by a tax attorney. Tax Planning Tax planning is a proactive measure to minimize tax liability. A tax attorney plays a crucial role in helping individuals and businesses navigate the complex world of taxes.

    Why Landlord Eviction Services are Necessary

    Being a landlord presents numerous challenges and hurdles to overcome. One such challenge is dealing with tenants who refuse to pay their rent or violate the terms of their lease. The process of evicting a tenant can be challenging, time-consuming, and, at times, even hazardous, especially when you have no legal support. This is where landlord eviction services come in handy. 1. Expertise and Experience The eviction process can be quite complicated, especially for landlords who have little experience dealing with evictions.

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    The Many Services An Art Lawyer Can Provide To Clients

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    Choosing The Right Probate Attorney: Understanding The Different Types Of Specializations

    Probate attorneys specialize in the legal process of administering a deceased person's estate. However, within this area of law, there are different types of probate attorneys who focus on specific areas. Here are some of the types of probate attorneys and their areas of specialization. Estate planning attorneys Estate planning attorneys specialize in helping clients create a plan for how their assets will be distributed after they pass away. They work with clients to draft wills, trusts, and other legal documents that will ensure that their wishes are carried out and their loved ones are provided for.

    Understanding Your Ignition Interlock Device

    When convicted of driving under the influence or other DUI law offenses, your state's court and DUI laws may order you to install an ignition interlock device. In some states and cases, this order is mandatory by state law. But what is an ignition interlock device, how does it work, and what happens if you are out of compliance? Here are a few answers to your questions. What Is An Ignition Interlock Device?

    How To Dismiss A Field Sobriety Test In Court

    Were you given a ticket for a DUI that you felt was not fair, which was all due to a field sobriety test? If so, know that it is possible to have that test thrown out in court for a few different reasons.  The Police Officer Didn't Administer The Test Properly There is a right and a wrong way to administer a field sobriety test, and it's possible that the police officer did it the wrong way.