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The ABCs of Dealing With Domestic Violence

Domestic violence was a part of my family's life for years. When I made the decision to leave with my children, I had to rely on the law to provide the protection we needed. Sometimes, the system does not work as fast as we want. I soon learned that going at it alone without any guidance caused significant delays. I created this blog to help others who are seeking legal means to deal with an abusive ex. By making the right moves, it is possible to get the necessary protections in place so that you can also live a happier and healthier life.


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The ABCs of Dealing With Domestic Violence

    3 Situations When You Need To Consult A Personal Injury Attorney

    Personal injuries can significantly impact your daily routine. Whether you were exposed to harmful chemicals, involved in a car accident, or suffered a slip and fall accident, you'll have to deal with insurance companies, missed work, and doctor's appointments. Such concerns can be overwhelming if you're working towards your recovery. Choosing to pursue a personal injury claim on your own can still prove challenging because you may get a low settlement or a longer claim process.

    How Do You Divide Debt In A Divorce?

    When it comes to the divorce process, many people know that the shared marital assets are going to have to be divided, leading to arguments about who gets what. However, you need to realize that debts need to be divided as well. Here are some ways to figure out who will be responsible for the debt.  Go Through Litigation If you have debts that you do not want to be stuck with, it may be in your best interest to go to trial.

    3 Advantages of Settling a Personal Injury Case Instead of Going to Trial

    People who have been seriously injured as the result of someone else's negligence might dream of going to trial and receiving millions of dollars. Everyone has heard of results like this. Court awards worth millions are issued on occasion, but it's relatively rare. Those cases usually involve severe, permanently disabling injuries. Settling outside of court has important advantages for clients of a personal injury law firm. Unless negotiations break down and the lawyer knows the client deserves significantly higher financial compensation, settling typically is for the best.

    The Three Biggest Mistakes People Make After A Traffic Accident With Minor Injuries

    People get into traffic accidents everyday, and when there are severe injures, there will be police and paramedics at the scene; however, when there are only minor injures, the police may not show up, and it is in these situations where people will make mistakes that make a personal injury attorney's job difficult. The following are just a few of them. Not seeking medical attention It is common for people who have an injury to not seek medical attention.

    When More Divorce Help Is Needed

    You might hope to have a friendly and simple divorce but that is not always in the cards. Divorces that involve custody issues, cheating, property disputes, and more can be a lot more complex and can cost more too. Your divorce lawyer or the family court judge occasionally suggests that the parties use a third-party in support of contentious issues. Read on for a sampling of some of these helpful, outside people with your divorce.

    Workers' Comp Rules And Leaving A Job

    If you have an occupational illness or a work-related injury, your employer's workers' compensation insurance covers you with several benefits. Depending on the state of your medical needs, you may receive free medical care, a partial disability wage, rehabilitative support, and a lump-sum payment for permanent injuries. Leaving a job while you are still eligible for workers' comp benefits can present a difficult situation. Read on to learn more about leaving a job during this time.

    When Do the Police Need a Warrant?

    Seeing a police officer search your home, car, or body can be a very upsetting experience. You might wonder whether the cops were within their rights to detain you or conduct a search. If you seek out criminal attorney services, here are three things a lawyer will tell you about when the police need a warrant and when they do not. Reasonable Expectation of Privacy The core legal requirement for a search warrant is that the subject of an investigation or a complaint has a reasonable expectation of privacy.

    3 Things Your Bankruptcy Attorney Can Do For You

    If you are struggling to get out of debt, there's a good chance that you have given thought to bankruptcy. While bankruptcy is typically a last resort, it can be the best and most efficient way to get back on track financially. Many feel relieved after they finish filing for bankruptcy. However, it's not an easy process to go through without an attorney. While you may be hesitant to spend money on a bankruptcy lawyer, it will increase your chances of a successful filing.